Three years ago I set off on a journey to devise 37 resolutions with the intention of completing them all in my 37th year.
I made them up as I went along and deliberately had a good mix of fun and serious ones.
This is an update on resolutions 11-20:
Resolution 11:
Make contact with a friend of the family who was going through a tough time at the time.
I made a bit of an effort and it paid off in spades. He's been a great help to me too.
Resolution 12:
Being more spur of the moment, and talking to people you meet for the first time as if it is the last time you'll ever speak to them.
I've tried my best to do this and had some interesting conversations as a result.
It's fascinating when you lose your inhibitions a bit and allow yourself to be yourself at every opportunity rather than flexing your personality to try and fit in. It's easy to spend too much time worrying about what people think of you. If you're talking to someone for the first, and quite possibly the last time, why bother caring what they think?
Resolution 13:
Help get Rich Gillen a job in PR. I had a spurt of activity around two years ago. But to be frank didn't have much impact. Thankfully Rich git himself a job in marketing with no help from anyone. Fair play.
Resolution 14:
Keep chickens, get a composter and a water butt for the garden etc. In other words try and recreate a bit of the Good Life in Saltaire.
Still on the list.
Resolution 15:
Bring my potter's wheel out of retirement.
I signed up to a pottery class in January 2012 at a local art workshop. But going back to work following my career break got in the way. I also volunteer at BCB Radio every other Friday afternoon so felt like I was taking the piss a bit if I took every Wednesday morning off too.
Resolution 16:
Stop being lazy. Put more in and get more out.
Hard to do in practice all of the time, but a good prompt every now and then.
That said I do think it is possible to choose your attitude.
You can choose to get up and do something or simply stop saying no all the time particularly when it comes to the kids. I've started to say yes as often as I can and the results have been far more pleasant as a result.
Resolution 17:
Watch one hour less each day of TV, and read a book instead. Not sure I've cracked this yet. However the introduction of a real fire a year or two ago has made a big difference as it is in a room without a TV. As a result we tune into 6 Music instead and watch and listen to the fire.
I've also got out of the habit of watching X Factor, I'm a Celebrity and Britain's Got Talent.
Resolution 18:
Appear on a daytime television game show in order to earn a bit of money i.e. Come Dine With Me or Deal Or No Deal.
Filled in my application and was invited to an audition. Then thought better of it.
Resolution 19:
Overcome a fear or phobia (this one was suggested via twitter by @broadfordbrewer).
I jumped off the highest bungee bridge in the world. Didn't cure my fear of edges/heights, but it was A M A Z I N G !
Resolution 20:
Become a bone marrow doner.
Bit of a cheat this one, as I did it, then set it as a resolution. Good cause tho, so forgive me.
17 more resolutions to go...
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