Sunday, 24 February 2013

Heading back to blighty

This holiday has conformed to all the stereotypes. Relaxing, plenty of sunshine, quiet time away from the kids while they run riot in the soft play centre, more fillet steak than is healthy, and a fair amount of vino.

It's the first holiday I can remember going on where I felt like I actually really needed it. The final few weeks in my old job in PR were the busiest of my career. A good send off perhaps. But also brought into sharp focus the decision I made 18 months ago to change direction.

The last year or so has seen huge changes in my working life and personal life. And I'm pleased to say there is now a happy equilibrium. My bi-weekly radio presenting continues to feed my mental health (a term still wrongly shrouded in negative connotations).

I'm excited about the year ahead. Next week I fly to Orlando for a global marketing meeting. In April to San Diego for a social media conference. It's not the travelling I'm relishing it's knowing that the people I will be meeting with are going to inspire me.

I'm also determined to finish my book and get it published.

So plenty to do but I can't wait to get started.

Finally, have to say 'come on City'. Hope you win the cup. Would be great for my adopted home town.

See you back in blighty.

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